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Stephen H. Provost is an author of paranormal adventures and historical non-fiction. “Memortality” is his debut novel on Pace Press, set for release Feb. 1, 2017.

An editor and columnist with more than 30 years of experience as a journalist, he has written on subjects as diverse as history, religion, politics and language and has served as an editor for fiction and non-fiction projects. His book “Fresno Growing Up,” a history of Fresno, California, during the postwar years, is available on Craven Street Books. His next non-fiction work, “Highway 99: The History of California’s Main Street,” is scheduled for release in June.

For the past two years, the editor has served as managing editor for an award-winning weekly, The Cambrian, and is also a columnist for The Tribune in San Luis Obispo.

He lives on the California coast with his wife, stepson and cats Tyrion Fluffybutt and Allie Twinkletail.

Star Trek: Picard — Hits and misses

On Life

Ruminations and provocations.

Star Trek: Picard — Hits and misses

Stephen H. Provost

Star Trek: Picard attempted to go where almost no Star Trek has gone before: incorporating foundation laid by the episodic The Next Generation into the story-arc (read: “space opera”) trend that’s all but taken over modern science fiction.

I wrote “almost” because Enterprise went for an arc with its Xindi War storyline. But in doing so, it was using characters who were still relatively new to the Star Trek universe, not beloved characters from more than three decades earlier. (Has it really been that long?)

Predictably, there are some hiccups along the way. But Picard mostly succeeds, with more hits than misses.

The misses

In a word, pacing. The show starts too quickly and ends almost too abruptly. The first three episodes could have been condensed into one, and the whirlwind finish could have been drawn out for a little more suspense. As a storyteller, I know the importance of grabbing an audience quickly, and Picard doesn’t do that. It relies largely on our established connection to the main character to keep us interested.

It can afford to do so because, well, it’s Star Trek. But it’s sloppy and unnecessary. Star Trek: The Motion Picture did the same thing with its seemingly interminable prologue — and it’s still being criticized for it four decades later. Picard doesn’t step in it that badly, but if this had been a new series involving characters we didn’t know and love, would we have continued watching? I suspect many would not have.

Despite the slow start, I found myself wishing that Picard would have developed a deeper connection with Dahj early on. Most of his emotional tie to her is expressed in her connection to Data, and I wanted to see something a bit more explicit here: a scene where, perhaps, they bonded more personally. A minor quibble.

It was never entirely clear to me whether Dr. Agnes Jurati (Alison Pill) makes a certain fateful decision because she’s convinced or compelled to do so. It’s a muddled bit of storytelling that could have been cleared up by more precise storytelling. I wanted to like the Jurati character but found her annoyingly wishy-washy, especially for someone supposedly so accomplished in her field.

Samaire Wynne pointed this one out: In an early episode of TNG titled The Naked Now, Data moves at superhuman speed to replace the isolinear chips in Engineering. But Soji, though more advanced and clearly capable of superhuman fighting ability, apparently lacks this skill when working to assemble a piece of technology in the final episode. Or is she, subconsciously, holding back?

The new cast members were, for me at least, less interesting than the TNG-era characters who made guest appearances. Isa Briones turns in a strong performance as Soji, but my favorite was Santiago Cabrera as Captain Rios — and, in a fun twist, a handful of holographic alter-egos. He’s not Robert Picardo, but he does a kind of cigar-chomping twist on Han Solo.

Which brings me to another quibble: Picard needed more humor. It was a key element of most Star Trek series, but in the latest incarnations of Trek, it’s been sublimated to sense of gravitas that can feel stiflingly heavy. That’s especially in the self-important Discovery, but also, at times, here. The weighty musical score exacerbates the problem at times. Perhaps they could bring in William Shatner (who’s still very funny) or Seth MacFarlane from The Orville for some pointers.

The hits

First, it’s not Discovery. It feels like the producers have learned something about putting together a more cohesive, character-driven story, which is a very good thing. I’ve struggled to get through the first two seasons of Discovery, which I’ve watched only because they carry the Star Trek imprimatur. Still, Discovery doesn’t feel like Trek to me — not even as much as the often-flawed J.J. Abrams movie trilogy. This does. It’s not exactly the same as TNG, but it feels like a different perspective on familiar themes and characters. Ethan Peck will never be Spock to me, but Patrick Stewart will always be Picard.

The biggest hit is, in fact, Stewart as Picard, which is no surprise. But kudos, also, to the writers for taking us on a deeper exploration of Picard’s character, particularly his emotions and his connection to Data. This works so well precisely because Picard doesn’t typically wear his emotions on his sleeve, and because Stewart did such a remarkable job of crafting the character in the first place. We got a few glimpses into his feelings during TNG, most notably in The Inner Light (the flute episode), which many — not coincidentally — consider the series’ finest hour.

Star Trek has dealt with aging characters before, and has always done so with aplomb. Kirk’s use of reading glasses in The Wrath of Khan comes to mind. But Stewart’s handling of Picard’s aging and awareness of his own mortality is nothing less than masterful. He’s not entirely the same self-assured captain he was in TNG, but he’s anything but a doddering fool, and he can call on that old confidence and ingenuity when it’s needed most.

Stewart’s good friend Ian McKellen captured Gandalf perfectly in The Lord of the Rings, and Stewart himself comes across almost wizardly in Picard. He doesn’t have a staff or magic, but he has a few tricks up his sleeve and (most importantly for a wizard) the wisdom to know when to use them. Most of the time. As for LOTR, one new regular — a young Romulan played by Evan Evaroga — seems to be channeling Legolas, perhaps even a bit too much. Even his name, Elnor, is decidedly elven.

The Picard-Data connection is explored very nicely, with Brent Spiner taking a turn in multiple roles. Picard’s formerly hidden, or suppressed, emotional side is brought out by his now-kind-of-deceased android lieutenant commander. It’s a touching undercurrent throughout the season that taps into one of the most potent themes explored in TNG: What makes us human? The addition of the Borg to the equation adds to the complexity of that exploration and makes the season even more interesting.

The use of alumni from TNG and Voyager is welcome and inspired. The reappearance of Hugh (Jonathan Del Arco) from I, Borg was a pleasant surprise, and 7 of 9/Annika (Jeri Ryan) played an integral role in the plot. Data, of course, was central to it. Less crucial were Riker (Jonathan Frakes) and Troi (Marina Sirtis), whose appearance seemed more like a nod to nostalgia than anything else. Even so, it was satisfying, and I wouldn’t have changed it. I’m a sucker for nostalgia, and it was great to see them again. The story could have been told without them, but it was far more fun with them!

Note to producers: I’d love to see Worf make an appearance, or maybe Guinan, and it would be fun to see Quark from Deep Space 9.

Overall, I’d give Picard 4 stars out of 5. For comparison, I’d give TNG and The Original Series five stars, DS9 4.5, Voyager and Enterprise 4, and Discovery 2. After the slow start, Picard is, indeed, engaging.